函数名: fseek 功 能: 重定位流上的文件指针 用 法: int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int fromwhere); 描 述: 函数设置文件指针stream的位置。如果执行成功,stream将指向以fromwhere为基准,偏移offset个字 节的位置。如果执行失败(比如offset超过文件自身大小),则不改变stream指向的位置。 返回值: 成功,返回0,否则返回其他值。 fseek position the file position pointer for the file referenced by stream to the byte location calculated by offset. 程序例:1 #include2 long filesize(FILE *stream); 3 int main(void) 4 { 5 FILE *stream; 6 stream = fopen("MYFILE.TXT", "w+"); 7 fprintf(stream, "This is a test"); 8 printf("Filesize of MYFILE.TXT is %ld bytes\n", filesize(stream)); 9 fclose(stream); 10 return 0; 11 } 12 long filesize(FILE *stream) 13 { 14 long curpos, length; 15 curpos = ftell(stream); 16 fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END); 17 length = ftell(stream); 18 fseek(stream, curpos, SEEK_SET); 19 return length; 20 }
int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int origin );
第一个参数stream为文件指针 第二个参数offset为偏移量,整数表示正向偏移,负数表示负向偏移 第三个参数origin设定从文件的哪里开始偏移,可能取值为:SEEK_CUR、 SEEK_END 或 SEEK_SET SEEK_SET: 文件开头 SEEK_CUR: 当前位置 SEEK_END: 文件结尾 其中SEEK_SET,SEEK_CUR和SEEK_END和依次为0,1和2. 简言之: fseek(fp,100L,0);把fp指针移动到离文件开头100字节处; fseek(fp,100L,1);把fp指针移动到离文件当前位置100字节处; fseek(fp,100L,2);把fp指针退回到离文件结尾100字节处。 使用实例:1 #include2 #define N 5 3 typedef struct student { 4 long sno; 5 char name[10]; 6 float score[3]; 7 } STU; 8 void fun(char *filename, STU n) 9 { 10 FILE *fp; 11 fp = fopen(filename, "rb+"); 12 fseek(fp, -1L*sizeof(STU),SEEK_END); 13 fwrite(&n, sizeof(STU), 1, fp); 14 fclose(fp); 15 } 16 void main() 17 { 18 STU t[N]={ { 10001,"MaChao", 91, 92, 77}, { 10002,"CaoKai", 75, 60, 88}, 19 { 10003,"LiSi", 85, 70, 78}, { 10004,"FangFang", 90, 82, 87}, 20 { 10005,"ZhangSan", 95, 80, 88}}; 21 STU n={ 10006,"ZhaoSi", 55, 70, 68}, ss[N]; 22 int i,j; FILE *fp; 23 fp = fopen("student.dat", "wb"); 24 fwrite(t, sizeof(STU), N, fp); 25 fclose(fp); 26 fp = fopen("student.dat", "rb"); 27 fread(ss, sizeof(STU), N, fp); 28 fclose(fp); 29 printf("\nThe original data :\n\n"); 30 for (j=0; j